
Wednesday 2 December 2020


This week’s news

Firstly, we would like to wish a warm welcome to PC Jack Sharp, the new police officer for Streatham Hill, and PC Bola Adebakin, who will be working on Streatham Wells.

An update about the 13 year old boy who was attacked outside Dunraven School on Wednesday 25 November: he was put in an induced coma at the time but today has been awake and talking.  We send him our very best wishes and hope he makes a speedy recovery.  The suspect remains in police custody at this stage. 

A bike was stolen from the communal area on Madeira Road.  PCSO Reynolds and PC Pearl found the bike and checked the report to find out who the owner was.  It was returned to them soon afterwards.

PC Takenaka handled a neighbourhood dispute which ended up with the suspect being interviewed for a public order offence.

PC Pearl had some good information from residents regarding drug dealing in Fernwood Avenue. He conducted some patrols there and believes that he disturbed a drug dealer who was about to come and sell drugs.

Officers were called to Copley Park by Lambeth Council with regards to a vulnerable lady being targeted by a rogue trader.  The suspect is 5’ 9” tall, with white thinning hair.  He tells people that he is an antique dealer.  He could be targeting other people around that area.

Crime Advice

There has been an increase in bike crime and breaking into sheds.  Please make sure your property is secure.  Where bikes are concerned, please lock them up securely.  A “D” lock is one of the best cycle locks you can buy.  You can also invest in a shed alarm which can be fitted to make you shed secure.

Covid-19 Advice

Please ensure you follow the latest Government guidelines. Please see post below on the Tier 2 rules. This will help the NHS and other key workers stay as safe as possible so they can continue their amazing work to keep us safe.

Everyone can help to control the virus by staying alert and taking precautions to protect themselves and others.  As well as the above, please remember you should:

·              Hands:   wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds throughout the day or use hand sanitiser if you cannot do this.

·              Face:   wear a face mask or face covering over your nose and mouth on public transport, if you are staff or a customer in shops, taxis, bars and restaurants and in any confined spaces and anywhere else where social distancing is difficult.

·              Space:   keep your distance inside and outside - stay at least two meters away from anyone outside your household or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions.

·             Get a test:   if you are feeling unwell and have symptoms.  If you have a positive test result, isolate immediately with members of your household for 10 days.  Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.  You can visit the NHS website to book a test or alternatively call 111 for advice.

Remember that everyone can help to control the virus by staying alert, following the rules and taking precautions to protect themselves and others.

Advice from the NHS website on what to do to prevent catching and spreading the virus is as follows:

Ø    wash hands frequently with soap and water or use a sanitiser gel.

Ø    catch coughs and sneezes with disposable tissues.

Ø    throw away used tissues and then wash your hands.

Ø    if you don’t have a tissue, use your sleeve.

Ø    avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

Ø    avoid close contact with people who are unwell.

The most important thing is regular and thorough hand washing, preferably with soap and water. Coronavirus spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets – packed with the virus – into the air.  These droplets can be breathed in and cause an infection if you touch a surface they have landed on then touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Coughing and sneezing into tissues, not touching your face with unwashed hands, and avoiding close contact with infected people are important to stop the spread of the disease and to keep everyone safe.

Contact Details for the Streatham Safer Neighbourhood Teams

The contact details for the four Streatham Safer Neighbourhood Teams are below:





Streatham Wells

0750 098 2773


St Leonards

0792 023 3841


Streatham South

0792 023 3834


Streatham Hill

0792 023 3842


      Face      Space

Stay alert   →   Control the Virus   →   Save Lives

Stay safe everyone !

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